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Your top cluster(s)


Education and Training

Architecture and Construction

I found that I relate to the finance most because I have been looking into being a stockbroker. I did not find these results very accurate because I would never really want to be in education or training and architecture holds a little interest to me. I did confirm that I could be interested in finance, and more specifical stockbroking. I do not agree with that it put me in education because I feel I do not have a knack for working with other people in that way. I was surprised that it showed architecture because I have never really thought about that job field. I do not think I will use this information much going forward, but I will keep in mind that architecture could be another career path for me.

Your top cluster(s)

Aerospace Engineer

Biochemical Engineer

Criminal Investigator & Special Agent

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I really enjoyed taking this assessment, they were easy questions that I knew whether I wanted to do them or not. I related two at the top two mostly because I really enjoy math and engineering, and I am started to be more interested in the biology of viruses. I am also moderately interested in criminal investigation.

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